Keep Your Kitchen Nice And Clean


Keeping the kitchen clean is a hard task, it's one of the areas that get dirty the easiest especially if you like cooking your food, there is always grease buildup, stains, and even unpleasant smells, In this article, we hope to teach you some good cleaning habits and to maintain your kitchen nice and clean.

Tips to help you with kitchen cleaning.

  • When cooking or preparing any meal, clean as you go, this is a more efficient way of cleaning. Using a bowl is a good option to dispose of vegetable trimmings or any disposable plastic. Having less clutter at the end will make cleaning a much less unpleasant task.

  • After you finish cooking let your pots and pans soaking in hot water, doing so will make it easier to clean once you finish eating your meal.

  • One mistake many people make is leaving dirty dishes in the sink, washing the dishes every time they are used doesn't take much time to clean and will save you time in the future, it also helps when cooking. When the sink is empty, it's easier to rinse off the pots and pans or any other cooking utensils that you used when cooking.

  • After you wash all your dishes, give your sink a cleaning as well, this will prevent any bacteria from forming and help to prevent any bad odors.

  • The garbage disposal is another area to focus on when cleaning, bacteria, and mold can form very early in this area and can cause unpleasant smell, that's why you should dedicate some time at least once a week to the cleaning of your garbage disposal.

  • Sweeping your kitchen floors every day prevents dust buildup, and doing so you'll help by picking up any food left on the floor that can attract unwanted guests.

  • Taking out the trash daily is something most people should be doing but it's not always the case, during long periods of time, trash can attract flies and if not attended, and can cause the appearance of maggots and other types of bacteria not to mention the smell that it can emanate

  • Cleaning spills or any accident in the kitchen as soon as they occur will make it easier to clean and prevent stains, mold, or any other formation of bacteria.

  • Having a cleaning solution in a spray bottle is very handy especially when accidents happen. Remember to leave it in an easy to access area for further use. You can make one by using lemon peels and vinegar left in a container for 2 to 5 days or up to 10 days.

  • Remember to also give your rags or cloths a wash. After some time the star to gather grime and other filth, you can also disinfect your sponges by putting them in the microwave for 60 seconds, this help by removing 99% of germs and bacteria, you can do this multiple time if you what to be safe.

Hopefully, after reading our tips and suggestions we help you to find a better solution to cleaning your kitchen. If you are looking for other cleaning solution we have other articles that might interest you.

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